Understand the true value of your business

Quantify damages with research-backed results

Uncover fraud with seasoned professionals
Nationally recognized valuation experts you can count on.
As a business owner trying to reach your growth potential, you first need to know the worth of your enterprise and assets, but this information is not easy to gather, validate, or confidently present to tax authorities. HoganTaylor provides a rigorous analysis, applies best-practice valuation approaches, and uses current empirical evidence to deliver results that are credible and supportable — all critical for a strong litigation team and for your business to move forward with confidence.

Years of litigation experience.

Respond rapidly to increasing fraud risks.
Fraud is an increasing risk in today’s environment—both inside and outside your business. Quick access to HoganTaylor’s Fraud & Forensic Investigations professionals allows your organization to respond rapidly, mitigating more of the potential reputational and financial damage associated with a fraud incident.
Our team combines accounting, investigative, financial, and technology skills, including certified public accountants, certified fraud examiners, and certified internal controls auditors. We work with owners, stockholders, boards of directors, legal counsel, and law enforcement to conduct interviews, review records, analyze and trace the movement of assets, and assess the viability of processes, procedures, and internal controls.

Forensic, Valuation & Litigation Support to help you move forward with confidence.
Fraud and Forensic Investigations
Conducting interviews in connection with fraud investigations
Conducting regulatory driven investigations initiated by government agencies
Providing data analytics services on voluminous financial information to identify errors, control breakdowns, and red flags of fraud using advanced data analytics software and techniques
Developing risk based fraud prevention programs that identify practical and effective methods to reduce fraud risk and establish a stronger anti-fraud culture
Preparing written reports and oral presentations for attorneys, courts, and law enforcement that clearly and effectively identify the unique circumstances of the situation and the findings and observations uncovered by our investigative procedures and analyses
Issuing expert reports and providing expert testimony in connection with financial investigations that develop into high stakes litigation
Valuation and Litigation Support Services
Commercial litigation support
Family law litigation support
Business Valuation
Expert witness testimony
Financial analysis
Shareholder/partner/trustee dispute support
"We love being able to provide some calm confidence in the midst of an uncertain and often difficult situation.”
“When a client comes to us, they're almost always in some sort of watershed moment. Sometimes it’s a challenging situation involving litigation, divorce, or fraud. Sometimes it’s an exciting opportunity like the sale or purchase of a company. In any case, it’s usually unfamiliar territory, which can create uncertainty and angst. They have questions that require special expertise to answer and that is where we can bridge the gap. That’s why this job is so rewarding, we love being able to provide some calm confidence in the midst of an uncertain and often difficult situation.”
—Clay Glasgow, CPA, ABV, CFF, CFE, PartnerForensic, Valuation & Litigation Support Lead

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Have a conversation with our experienced advisors. We listen, get to know you, your company, and your goals.
We Take Your Business to Heart
Move Forward with Confidence
How Much is Your Business Worth? A Comprehensive Guide to Business Valuations
All business owners should understand, at least in rough terms, what their business is worth, and how that value is calculated.
By learning about the key elements that contribute to the value of your business, you'll gain a better understanding of how to manage your business with a focus on long-term success.