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Jack Murray, CPA


Jack Murray has provided tax and assurance services since 1988 and serves as a key member of HoganTaylor’s Nonprofit practice. He works regularly with his clients’ management and board members to help them understand the unique accounting and reporting requirements for entities in the nonprofit/government sector, such as:

  • helping them set up systems to measure the cost of programs so decisions can be made to align resources accordingly
  • assisting them with increasingly difficult and complex accounting standards and compliance issues
  • helping them with heightened corporate governance requirements
  • assisting them in setting up processes and systems that enable greater transparency

Aside from Jack’s extensive work in the nonprofit and government sector, he also has significant experience in the oil and gas, manufacturing and distribution industries. Prior to working at HoganTaylor, Jack served in the comptroller’s area with Phillips Petroleum and worked in both tax and audit areas with large local accounting firm prior to joining the HoganTaylor predecessor Tullius Taylor Sartain & Sartain.

Representative Experience
  • Conducted forensic investigations for nonprofits to investigate fraud, determine the magnitude, and put in place controls to prevent future occurrences
  • Assisted many nonprofits in implementing new accounting and reporting requirements for endowment funds.
  • Completed complicated due diligence reviews in conjunction with a multi-billion-dollar oil and gas company’s engagement with contractors and subcontractors on a multi-state pipeline construction project
  • Worked with many nonprofits’ board of directors to provide the board, patrons and community members assurance that the organization is being financially responsible with restricted contributions and utilizes appropriate internal control practices; experienced with organizations that have off-the-shelf accounting systems such as MIP or Black Baud to complex accounting systems customized for the institution.
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Certifications & Honors

  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA)


  • B.S., Accounting, Oklahoma State University

Professional & Civic Affiliations

  • American Institute of Public Accountants
  • Oklahoma Society of Certified Public Accountants
  • National Association of College and University Business Officers
  • Member, Oklahoma State University School of Accounting Advisory Board



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