Jerrad Powell, CPA
Jerrad is a Tax Partner for HoganTaylor. Prior to joining the firm, he was a senior tax manager with JPMS Cox, PLLC, in Little Rock. Jerrad works with businesses to achieve favorable tax results throughout the entire business lifecycle, as well as consulting on other financial and operational business matters. Areas of experience include technology, real-estate, multi-state corporations, pass-through entities, and high-net-worth individuals.
Representative Experience
- Provides tax planning and consulting services to high net worth individuals and closely-held business enterprises.
- Proactive planning for tax credits, income deferral, and other tax incentives.
- Assists business and individual clients before the Internal Revenue Service and various state tax authorities covering a wide range of examinations in income tax returns.

Little RockCertifications & Honors
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA) - Arkansas
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Accounting, Harding University