Simplify accounting complexities

Comply with new lease standards

Maximize the value of your leases
A cloud-based solution designed to help you account for trillions of dollars in lease liabilities.
Lease accounting is complex and ever-changing regulations make compliance a real challenge for organizations reporting under FASB, IFRS, and GASB. That’s why HoganTaylor partners with LeaseQuery, a cloud-based lease accounting software built by accountants, to help our clients:
- Achieve mandatory compliance
- Unlock financial insights
- Identify cost-saving opportunities
- Maximize the value of their leases
- Improve operational efficiency

Purpose-built to help you solve the most challenging lease accounting problems.

Account for multiple leases with complex components.

Utilize multiple ways to categorize leases & record count by asset, portfolio, or MSA.

Track important lease dates with a reminder feature that notifies you of renewals, expirations, and more.

See all payment escalations and set up reminders within the lease to mitigate risk of incurring a penalty.

Gain the ability to negotiate for better terms with renewal reminders well ahead of time.
"HoganTaylor provided us with a solution that simplified our process."
“I had been struggling to work through being short handed and did not have the time available to implement the new ASC 842. The LeaseQuery solution HoganTaylor was able to offer us made the process very easy. The team is exceptional to work with and they were quick to help me work through the documentation problems caused by my organization through acquisitions.”
—Christy Malahy
Chief Financial Officer, Farmers & Merchants Bank
Lease Accounting Thought Leadership
HoganTaylor has been following and writing about lease accounting for many years. We are committed to keeping you advised about the latest lease accounting issues that can affect your organization.
Lease Accounting Post-Transition
After successfully transitioning to ASC 842 lease accounting, it is crucial to consider post-transition policies and procedures to ensure ongoing compliance with the new standards.
Read more.
What is SBITA? How to Know if Your Organization Has Thems
Implementing GASB 96 may seem like an overwhelming project, but the accounting treatment mirrors that under GASB 87.
Read more.
Lease Purchase Options and More Intersections of Fixed Assets and Lease Accounting
This article will explore the intersection of fixed asset accounting and accounting for leases under ASC 842, largely focusing on accounting for finance (capital) leases with purchase options.
Read more.